To all of you in the network:
Have you been doing the best you can? I mean, are you living up to your promises?
I must say that after looking at the books for the last 6 months, I find there has been not one of the more than 200 Gadgetmen in the net in North America, is appears that no one has done a mod. At least, not one where they have earned some money, for not one dime has been received in royalty payments.
At this time, I have FINALLY found someone to make our bits. But, because of the lack of funds, I cannot order any more. Right now, I am short almost $2,000 before I can place the order.
If your practice is to wait to pay until more money comes in, I can understand that. But you must be aware that the longer you wait, the more mods you do, and the more money you owe, the more difficult it is to catch up.
Please do not allow yourself to fall behind to the point it's a problem. Pay as soon as you receive yours. That is the only way to keep everything clear and clean.
I have to let you all know that if the payments do not start coming in, I am going to have to let someone else start managing the company. Someone with the ability to manage people (and money) the way the world demands.
So, if you owe payments, please make them. I have trusted each and every one of you to be men of honor.
Live up not to MY expectations of YOU, but live up to your promises to me.
If I have let you down, then let me know. I will make it right.