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TOPIC: europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how

europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 13 Apr 2013 08:23 #1

  • mob
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Hia all As the modern fuel here in sweden is becomming more and more diluted with ethanol even during summer up to 10% How about adding a little diesel to the mix to get more power out of the gas, any ideas on how this would work. The regular gas here in sweden is minimum 95 octane with 5% ethanol, not so mutch power in it. compared to the old 92 octane without ethanol. any tips on how to make a more powerfull fuel mix. Thanks.

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 13 Apr 2013 09:47 #2

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Ive serached the internet and apperantly a product called xylene found at veterinarys bring back some btus from ethanol diluted fuels, if no ethanol in the fuel then acetone will increace the btus, and the old mothballs apparently increases the btus. these ca all be mixed together, adding acetone to ethanol diluted fuel wont work. xylene is my answer. Will groove my new old volvo soon v70 mechanical tb 2.4 liter straight 5cillinder, now using 9liters to 100km

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 13 Apr 2013 11:11 #3

  • dan
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If you want more octane crack the heavier molecules using the asprin trick as this will increase the octane by breaking the longer chains chemically. You dont need heat to crack it slightly remember the surface of the gas is what you will crack,the more surface area the more cracking process will take place. Dan

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 13 Apr 2013 13:17 #4

  • mob
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thanks for the reply . well what im after is more btus, thanks

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 14 Apr 2013 18:45 #5

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Hi this question is for Dan, Ron, or anybody else who has info.

Think I remember Ron told me about Mothballs, and Ron you mentioned a certain brand I think. Had to do w/ the purity of the mothballs I think. Are Mothballs (at least the old-fashion kind) Napthalene?

I should go search, but how big a HC molecule is Naptha? Is it on the shorter or longer chain end of the HC molecule spectrum?

If they are Naptha-based, what does that do in gasoline?

Thanks for any replies,

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 14 Apr 2013 20:05 #6

  • dan
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The answer would be yes napthalene is in moth balls and also dsl and gasoline it helps raise octane but, it will cause higher heat in cyl and exhaust causing more nox gas.It is usually on the shorter end of the chain molecules, rates about 1%of the fuel too much will lead to pre detination of the fuel which will lead to holes in pistons. Dan

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 15 Apr 2013 08:01 #7

  • Ron
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As far as using Naphthalene (Not all Moth Balls are created equal!) I have found the successful mixture to be either up ar down from 1 moth ball to ever 2 to 2-1/2 gallons of fuel.

Of course, there's Uncle Doogie too. He would (in the good old days with solid steel engines) dump an entire box into his gas tank before taking his 57 Chev to the dirt track on the weekends. Nobody could catch that man!

In looking for the right blend it takes some tanks, but simply start with say 5 or six to a full tank and increase by one until you hit max mpg's.

Now, when I was using these, I didn't get any emissions (East Tennessee) the owners were always pleased. But the late 90's Ford Trucks didn't seem to respond to it by more than one or two MPG's. Some went as much as from 320 a tank to 520!

Enjoy the journey!


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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 15 Apr 2013 19:15 #8

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Thanks, Dan! And Ron too!

BTW, anybody know what ever became of the A-55 fuel mix invention?

An Inventor from Reno Nevada came up w/ that in late 80's I think, was in the news here. Think he found a formula that had an emulsifier or blending agent that essentially allowed water and naptha to mix as a fuel. Never met the gent, I'm sure his story is interesting, today it's off the map...

As I have set the stage to try for Plasma Jet Ignition in my Subaru, i'm wondering if there is anything suitable to use in conjunction, if my attempts are successful.

Merrick's gas looks interesting.

Aaron Murakami has put out a small info pkg re: Stanley Meyer's work.

Etc., Etc. ...

But my Subie is a daily driver, so at same time I don't want to go too far Back to The Future :silly:

Besides I don't even have a White Lab Coat!

Thanks All, Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 16 Apr 2013 02:19 #9

  • mob
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Hia tracy, why not add some water vapor.

I have a question, octane and btus, are they the same thing, no,no.
If the gasoline is diluted with ethanol then acetone does not have an effect on power and mpg.
ethanol has a hight octane or? but low btu.

someone willing to explain.
for high mpg we want lots of btus in the gas right, when using the groove .

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 16 Apr 2013 19:38 #10

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Hey Markus!

I have read that Ethanol has 100+ Octane, but lower BTU's than Gasoline. Alcohol is added to gas as an Oxygen-carrier, far as I know. Ethanol has Oxygen in it.

And for my Subie, yeah, a bit of h2o vapor may help once I have Plasma, but cautiously so. Carb Iron TB, for starters. A small amount of water vapor added to intake airstream, only after engine warm-up, maybe?

All the videos of benchtop Plasma replications are cool, but I'm thinking of Real world.

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 17 Apr 2013 13:16 #11

  • mob
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hello, if mothballs dont work, likewise if acetone dont improve milage its most probbably cause there is ethanol mixed in the petrol. to make it work again need xylene as antidote for the ethanol.
for the groove to work best we need lots off btus right ,? so this is a way to increase btus

Tracey would you carb rost if you drove in rainy days all the time?
nebulizer works with out plasma,
best regards to all markus

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europs petrol contain ethanol minimum5 procent how 18 Apr 2013 21:18 #12

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Good point Markus about my TB rusting. Probably not I guess, the iron base casting is coolant-heated. They can/do rust on outside though.

I've tried xylene/acetone mix along with a kind of upper cylinder lube as a mix. don't remember the formula for proportions. I'd have to find formula and try again, don't remember results was years ago.

Mothballs- Ron told me of that once, it's an old trick, but they need to be pure naptha as possible. Haven't tried that ever.

Nebulizer for water vapor-ya mean like the vid's on youtube where someone puts an ultrasoinc vaporizer like for a fountain w/ colored LED's to look pretty? I'd consider that, but all I've seen on Ebay etc are for 110V like house current, need an inverter to do it? Does anyone make one runs on 12 volt power? I'm thinking water vapor like in humidity, hardly even visible.

Also can't add water vapor if using Ozone generator, combination can form nitric Acid.

all makes ya go Hmmm..!

Thanks, Markus, Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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