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TOPIC: Huge Ford EFI Manual Reference Material!!

Huge Ford EFI Manual Reference Material!! 18 Nov 2014 23:24 #1

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Our Gadgetman Greg Kusiak shared w/ me, and I'm giving the link to--a Ford service manual in exhaustive detail. It's technician-level info, written in easy to understand style, by a Ford Senior Engineer. It's from mid 90's covers many aspects of not just Ford but fuel injection systems, computers, emission controls, on and on, of vehicles in general. There is even info re: upgrade mods! I've only had time to read the first 6 pages, this will be a gold mine of info here for we Gadgetmen. This should unlock better understanding of all the engine systems we have to deal with, it deserves careful reading IMHO.

I had to download the file, it's large, here's the link:


Thanks Greg (Heysoundude)!! :woohoo: Commander Greg brought us this gem from across the Neutral Zone...
happy reading everyone! ;)

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
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Gadgetman Reno, NV

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Huge Ford EFI Manual Reference Material!! 18 Dec 2014 19:44 #2

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
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Gadgetman Reno, NV

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Huge Ford EFI Manual Reference Material!! 18 Dec 2014 21:05 #3

  • GregK
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