Right, what Claudio says about patience and breathing, and keep your bit cool and lubed! I have a capful (maybe 1oz or so) of Seafoam or MMO or WD40 next to me when I groove.
Determining wires on the o2 sensor - I'm surprised nobody has put up a video of using pins to back probe connectors to meter the voltage/signal. maybe it's assumed knowledge, but obviously not everyone has it.... anyway, the white wire sounds like it's the money wire (literally!), but be sure to check. You're lucky to be able to do that easily, Andrew - looks like it's high enough that it wont need to be jacked/lifted to get underneath where the connectors are.
ALSO - and this may be jumping the gun a wee smidge - but remember to load up the engine with AC on high/highbeams,/4ways/wipers and whatever else before turning the key on the first start after grooving for the re-learn: the compressor and alternator put a not insignificant load on the engine, and THAT'S key in having the computer re-learn idle. Obviously do the drive cycle without all of that. but if you forget, with the key in the run position, rapidly floor and release the gas pedal 7 or more times. (with my hood up, I can hear the plate move from stop to stop, closed to open). Also, I've found better results occur when the air is cool and dense, as in early morning/late night, which is also good because the roads are likely more quiet/empty for your drive cycle at that time.