Don't take it personally, Andy. I really like and respect you. There's a few things happening at this moment, and I am really considering strongly the value of offering my advice to people that disregard the value of that offering.
I'm ready to take a spoon and take out my left eye, those in my home I believed in have betrayed that trust and those I have sacrificed my entire world to help seem to keep disregarding that sincere offer (from which we ALL benefit) and I have to watch as those folks-my Family- suffer as a result.
It's very frustrating to me. Especially when those I love dismiss my value to them, and the value to me to be of service.
You wasted your money. That's cool, but as everyone that DOES call me before they act will tell you, I save them money. As a result their lives are better, and I get to know that my (sometimes painful) experiences are benefiting others.
The day you (and anyone else out there) start turning to those that truly want to help for advice, you start on a path to humility. And by accepting gifts, you honor The Giver. AND!!! You set yourself more firmly on the more speedy path to success while developing true humility.
And humility will lead you to the even greater appreciation of your blessings.
Don't mind me, Andy.
Just been a rough couple of months...