Hi Nate and Karl, yes I'm subadude on the HCS thread at the Fuelsaver.org site. I have also used this handle in the Plasma Ignition thread over at Aaron Murakami's site, but the link to that escapes me now, haven't been there since last summer. I did post a lot here on the Plasma Ignition mod w/ pics and some how-to-do-it's I figured out. It's in the Index section here. It's a very strong ignition mod to do. Search for Murakami Plasma Jet Ignition, you will find Aaron's site where he sells the info necessary and complete explnations of what it is and how it works. I got it to work- and I'm no electronics guy. Be warned- this puts out a wallop of a spark, been bit twice by accident- you would not forget it!
The other place I'm subadude is here:
BTW, the HCS forum is fairly strict about staying on subject, so I advise those interested who join there to stay on topic of HCS!
After learning of Dan Merrick's celebrated vapor tube mod, and mercilessly picking Dan's brain (thanks Dan!

) then realizing I could not partake of it w/ my carbureted engines I went searching and found HCS. Very interesting concept and simple, introduced in Indonesia over 4 years ago, designed so those of modest means could use it, as a DIY idea. Versatile too, been used on diesels, motorbikes, generators,cars, lotsa stuff. I am about to reconfigure it on the Subie, and will post pics on the HCS thread when I do soon.
Dan's vapor tube ( my name for it, I also call it the Pipeline!, there's an idea for ya Dan, remember the old sufer song?) HCS, and similar ideas are I believe born or have roots of interest in the legendary and mysterious mystical high MPG Vapor Carbs of yore. I would be remiss in not mentioning Himac Research and Bruce McBurney, George Wisemanm of Eagle Research, and of course Charles Nelson Pogue and the famous Pogue Carburetor. Or HHO, GEET and inventor Paul Pantone, and Dennis Lee's HAFC and PICC. One can read, research, wander about, think and wonder of all those of current and past fame regarding this seemingly ever-distant and receding Mirage of a miracle in fuel economy. But today we have what our dearly missed Ron Hatton has bestowed w/ the Groove, and Dan's tube and HCS to use.
But don't foget common Sense- if you really want high MPG, start w/ something made to do it, just my opinion, if you can.
OK so Nate- if you can post pic's of this Toyota's TB (throttle body) we can delve into it together. Did you get a Personal License from Collette, or are you lacking bits? If you do have your bits, I like to dip them in power steering fluid for cooling and lube. Some have had problems doing an oil dip if cutting into JB Weld or similar metal epoxy, so water can work in that case. I'm glad you have been doing your research into the Groove!
Tracy G