Based on more my feelings on the matter, it appears to be generating two magnetic fields that run rapidly to the same connection point.
If you consider that electricity is nothing more than controlled or contained magnetic pulses, each either positive or negative and each seeking their equal and opposite, you can see how the potential created when they each meet their twin (not opposite!) how that potential will build as it has no where to go to complete its journey. Then, as the flow of the fluid creates this pulse, and as the flow is constant, it keeps pushing the electrons into one another. As the electrons continue to build, it must thereby create a potential energy that has no where to go but into that fluid.
Remember this when contemplating plasma type fields: It is NOT about the VOLTAGE, but in the POTENTIAL that hides the secrets to plasma fields. Build the POTENTIAL.
In the Keshe work (as in the thread on that subject, what is actually being created are a total of three paths for the electricity to travel. Each has their own speed of travel (plug wire core, copper, and the cuprous oxide (CuO or "nano") coating.
It gets very deep, and very quickly, and requires a departure from our normal way of thinking in "PUSH". This is how most people work, yet VACUUM (or the absence of a thing) is the state from which all creation arose.
It is my belief this IS the power of Creation.