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MPG Remedy 16 Jun 2014 18:55 #37

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Hi Nate say, exactly what brand of aspirin are you using? I found it took some shopping to find plain aspirin that was un-coated, found some no name brand at an equally anonymous dollar type store. Even w/ the uncoated aspirin, and after grinding it repeatedly, I would still have trouble getting it into solution in either Everclear grain alcohol or Heet gas dryer. I could get a suspension at best and still have particles left in the coffee filter I put in a funnel to dispense in the gas tank. I think a big variable to this Remedy is the aspirin itself.

It was the formula of 6 aspirin pulverised into a mix of a couple ounces of Everclear/ HEET yellow bottle gas line dryer with a small amount of hyd/ Peroxide, filtered thru coffee filt--This along w/ 4 OZ of Lucas fuel additive, into a filled 13 gallon tank of gas...

It was this formula of 6 aspirin, alcohol, hyd/ Perox., Lucas, into a filled 13 gal.gas tank that saw the 85 Subaru w/ Grooved Weber 32/36 DGEV re-jetted carb, finally break the 50MPG barrier on the measured 50-mile "Orange test" route on flat basically straight route at a steady 60 mph. Not quite real everyday driving mind you- just a test to see what the car under as closely as I could manage test conditions could do.

This isnt lab. conditions, of course. Anyone know anyone who drives in a lab? The whole MPG subject is subjective, I think. Hey even the vaunted US EPA had to revise their MPG testing criteria in response to YEARS of complaints from the public!

All of this, the Groove, and all else we speak of here, is a creative experimental Process. There is no "getting there" IMHO. It's all a journey.

It is easy to make claims of something. Much harder to prove it. IT is best to strive for empericism in all this--. And what works for one/some won't ever always work for all. Some will sniff about claims of results, that's fine, I expect skepticism. This is a controversial subject after all!

Heck, if it was very economical to drive already, many of us would not be here on this site at all! From what I've read, there are places on Earth where gas is/was very cheap...Libya, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia.. anyone feel like driving to these places let alone live there?

Anyhow, thanks again Nate, do tell us (maybe even a pic?) the brand of aspirin and where you found it. thanks!

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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MPG Remedy 16 Jun 2014 19:46 #38

  • GeraldC
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Hello TracyG ,, got my aspirin at Kroger just as plain as it comes in table (wife RN). Using EverClean now. I put 8 aspirin in 3 oz EverClear , 1/2 oz hyd/ Peroxide for at least 2 days, very good top on pint Mason jar with seal tight. Will shake several times then pour thro 4 layers of white kitchen paper towels in funnel. Have used same filter 2 times I used less paper for filter but had particles in jar after filtering. Sometimes a little purple color will show up.
Big question in my mind
1. Does computer need resetting at some time interval ??
Gas in Savannah (home) is not emission gas and gas in Atlanta is emissions gas and there is a very big difference in how my truck response to Atlanta gas, mpg has gone up as much as 3.7 mpg coming home

if you have not been to a Saudi Arabia mall picture this
go to your local mall go to center of it, now close eyes, picture in your mind
ceiling is now some kind of big leaves
walls very few walls are enclosing a store
floors and walkways are dirt
on a corner a man is sitting on a raised wood deck with stacks of money all around him, to his sides are strings from post with cloths pins holding $1000 dollar bills -- all the pin can hold -- got tried of counting pins
He was not in any danger, a man across dirt walkway sitting on top of a pile of chicken boxes thrown out with a double barrel shotgun
he is the "bank"

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MPG Remedy 16 Jun 2014 20:56 #39

  • Nate
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We are using the the same aspirin.

The purple might be from the coating on the aspirin, this is a guess.

Is there a change in elevation between Savannah and Atlanta?

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MPG Remedy 16 Jun 2014 23:07 #40

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Thanks Gerald, no Kroger's around here. IS it un-coated?

You musta been in the US Military I assume to have been in the Kingdom. And if so I thank you for your service Sir!

You might find out if that Emissions gas in Atlanta is Oxygenated and what with, I think Ethanol is commonly used since Ethanol has oxygen in it. IF so that is a big clue I think. Do you always use same octane grade/brand?

I don't think you need to periodically re-set the ECU, I'd save that for major changes like initial Groove install, replacing O2 sensors, etc. I think that if an OBD2 vehicle is Grooved, and a scantool that allows to see the ST/ LT fuel trims is used, then it's possible to watch progress in changes to fuel trims. If I were to see the FT's continuing to go more Negative, then I would not want to dump the memory and force the process to to re-start. Just my semi-informed opinion here. If progress was stalled then a re-learn could help, but prob. in tandem w/ added changes. for OBD1 vehicles pre-'96, you just gotta use calculations at the pump, your Nasal Tailpipe emissions tester and seat of pants meter. Though if serious, there are ways to read O2 sensor voltages on most anything. Remember "lean is Low" meaning volts in the 0-1 volt range of conventional O2's not wideband.

Mr Nate asks a valid question of elevation difference, is there one of significance? I envy those living at low altitudes re: engine performance. IT's not just how much more oxygen there is at sea level, it's overall density- more nitrogen/water vapor as Expansion Medium. And Gerald are you doing a round trip via the same route?

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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MPG Remedy 17 Jun 2014 05:01 #41

  • GeraldC
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yes coated ( not un-coated bad memory) big bottle pain aspirin-- all used out of same bottle ,, little purple color shows up about every 3th mix -- I think it comes from white paper towel, many things are put in paper when making (used to make paper also), could be a reaction to some part of mix.
inboard USS Johnston DD 821 for 2 yrs 1966-67
elevation difference, less than 50 ft if I remember right my flying days
same round trip every time same stations on both ends. Have ask Kroger by phone and email about gas difference, no answer at all
have ask EPA about gas difference, no answer at all

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Last edit: by GeraldC.

MPG Remedy 17 Jun 2014 08:22 #42

  • Nate
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If you have a smart phone or GPS you can probably check the elevation/altitude at each destination. One trip I make has an increase in elevation by 400-500 feet or so. I have noticed the MPG on the return trip from the higher to lower elevation has been higher.

The purple stuff is just a guess :)
In one of your pictures it looks like it says 300 coated tablets - 325mg each

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Last edit: by Nate.

MPG Remedy 17 Jun 2014 15:41 #43

  • GeraldC
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Thanks NateM yes coated just bad memory sorry could not find un-coated
elevation is around 50 ft difference Savannah airport to Atlanta airport

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MPG Remedy 17 Jun 2014 19:37 #44

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I was really excited when I got my first bottle of aspirin, a nice 500 count 325mg bottle. I checked it to make sure it wasn't coated. Later after I got home I noticed it was coated. :blush:

I'm not sure about the elevation but I'm interested in seeing what you find out about the gas.

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MPG Remedy 18 Jun 2014 02:29 #45

  • Tracy Gallaway
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Hi Gerald and Nate, I surmised from reading the patent and Dan's input that it should be uncoated. But Nate if the coated works too for you then Woo-Hoo! Either way nothing wrong w/ having some Aspirin around it still works for it's Original intent...

Gerald I've noticed here there are stickers on pumps telling of the alcohol content. Instead of the retailer you might ask the State DMV or ask them who would know of the state or local reg's regarding gas formula's in Emissions counties/areas of Georgia. Since it's pretty much flat driving- the variables can be the Gas itself, and far less possibly that the truck is all warmed up when going back. If the Atlanta gas is Oxygenated, that's the variable I can think of, maybe there are other differences.

In years past on a trip to the Calif. Bay Area I filled up in the East bay and drove back to Reno and noticed a definite diff. in the avg. MPG with the Calif. gas. Back over 20 yrs ago a freind worked for an owner of several stations and did maintenance/ retrofit to the pumps/tanks of these stations. These were Chevron stations, in the course of all this my freind had some training and classes from the Chevron refinery people in the San francisco bay area where there are a group of oil refineries. He learned that at least back then Calif. had strict quality and formulation regs on gas for sale down there, where in Nevada it was less so. The Chevron people told him that gas that was either old or out of spec for the Calif regs- that was the gas that went in the pipeline to up here to the Sparks tank farm. Bottom line we got reject gas! Plus the retail market down there is huge, far bigger than northern Nevada, and the refineries are local to that region, where gas for Reno and region comes up in pipeline. Ergo- the Calif gas is fresher! Now this is anectodal info, but it's the only window into that industry I ever had.

There is prob. as much tales and superstition about gasoline as Halloween! "Clem, dontcha evver buy no gas from a fillin' station where they got's a Hupmobile out back! Nossir, Lemme tell ya'all 'bout what happtint to Goober and Stumpy when they had a run up 'round Bugtussle for a load o' Shine from 'ol Pappy Sutton's still...See now, Goober had ta use some o' Pappy's first run leftover wash as fuel fer ta git on back down 'fore sunup, 'an he was runnin them new Super Spark plugs in his flathead- 'an that flathead was jest a purrin' as nice as ya please , was what Goober said, but then he said that soon as he was coastin' thru the bend down thar in Hog Hollow he plumb a ran outta fuel, so him an' Stumpy had'ta sneak through a hole in the back fence over at Johnson's Creamery 'an siphon sone gas outta Old Man Johnson's milk truck. Now you know how old man Johnson was always gettin' gas fer that 'ol '47 Dodge from over yonder at Gus Filbert's fillin' station, 'member how he was always braggin' ta Aunt Sadie 'bout how he was gittin' that cheap flatland gas from 'ol Gus an' savin' a Whole Penny a gallon that 'a ways. But Goober, he says that him an' Stumpy got back to his Model A 'an put that flatland cheap gas they siphoned outta 'Ol Man Johnson's milk truck inta his tank, an' they cranked 'an cranked 'an cranked 'till the battery was plumb dead. That Flathead jest wouldn't plumb start, no matter what they did, 'am by now the sun was jest a 'comin up! 'An Goober says that's when Sheriff Crabtree came 'on by and smelled that Shine Goober had in them jars in the back, 'an heck Goober had jest got done doin' a stretch up in Haynes County! Nossir it don't look so good fer 'ol Goober! Now Everbody knows that that 'ol Hupmobile out back 'a Gus Filbert's fillin' station, why heck that 'ol crate hasn't gone no-where since before the War! So Nossiree No Ways no how am I ever' gonna git any more gas from Gus Filbert's or Enny other fillin' station where they's got's an 'ol Hupmobile sittin' round' bout the place, Nossir!!"

So there Freinds is another valuable tip on Gasoline Selection!

Gerald- besides the gas possibility, can you think of anything else that might cause the difference? A prevailing wind? Do you habitually haul a load one way? Reaching here. Was that Tin Can you sailed aboard WW2 construction like a Fletcher or Gearing class? Not pertinent here, just curious? And again- thanks for Serving Sir!

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
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Gadgetman Reno, NV

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MPG Remedy 18 Jun 2014 12:03 #46

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I was excited when I thought I found uncoated aspirin at the first place I checked. What really happened was that it said coated on the label and I missed it completely and didn't' notice until the next day.

After I noticed that I started the "journey to find uncoated aspirin".

The aspirin I dissolved was uncoated. I see tiny bubbles leaving the tablet as soon as its dropped into the alcohol.

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MPG Remedy 19 Jun 2014 14:14 #47

  • Tracy Gallaway
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So Nate you dropped the aspirin tablets into the alcohol w/o crushing them? Did they completely dissolve by themselves or was there still white residue tiny particles visible? I have a jar w/ 6 crushed aspirin in 5 oz. of Everclear and 2.5 oz of yellow bottle HEET. Put this together yesterday about 20 hrs. ago. The white aspirin residue will settle out to a thin layer at bottom of jar after swirling it up. Aspirin is a compound of course, binding agents and several ingredients. I haven't yet added any hydrogen peroxide, I think I will now to see if more of the white residue "disappears" into solution.

Mr carboncrank- it sounds like you come from a very scientifically rigid backround. We do welcome input from an emperically- based viewpoint. Empericism is the only way to achieve reproduce-able results. Dan Merrick has a backround and knowledge base of extreme relevance to us here. He has given invaluable input to those of us trying to improve the efficiency of gas engines--in a world where mis-information and official suppression of critical information has dominated for decades. Most vehicle owners will grumble about the state of affairs of owning and paying for these ever more costly machines. We are actually trying to do something about it-albeit with varying results.
This area of research and application is very controversial to be sure! On a frayed shoestring budget fighting the "current" like spawning salmon we collectively strive to bring improvements to this corner of reality. Ron Hatton gave us a unique Method unlike any other, and it has been proven time and again in real-world results. IT's not something you can put in a box, but a group of techniques and skills. Results do vary- and we continue to learn and try to eliminate variables. To that end thanks for pointing out the importance of Scientific Method!
I try to maintain a freindly sometimes humorous atmosphere in all this. Remember more than a few inventors and advanced researchers in this "field" have paid with their LIVES for bucking the system... Energy is one of if not THE biggest "table in the house". The House does not like to lose. I invite you sir to sit with us on this side of the Table. Thank you!

Tracy G
Tracy Gallaway
Founder and Constant Aide to Gadgetman
Gadgetman Reno, NV

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MPG Remedy 19 Jun 2014 18:51 #48

  • GeraldC
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Savannah to Atlanta almost flat, no wind to speak of, load maybe 50# variable.
We (RN wife) have been hunting un-coated aspirin or liquid aspirin so far no un-coated here and liquid aspirin has lots of other stuff in it.
still using 8 aspirin,3 oz EverClear, 1/2 oz hydrogen peroxide, not crushed sitting in 2 to 3 days, shake it sometimes, filter 4 layer white kitchen paper towels using mason pint jars with new seal very hand tight always (these re canning jars)
my old Tin Can do not know what class it was but had 2 5" 54 guns, Asrock torpedoes and 2 remote control helicopters. One time while doing flight operation 1 helo was about to land like 3 ft above deck and another ship's helo was between the 2 ships, other ship told their helo to go up from about 3 ft above water and something happened their's went down into water, our's did a back flip into water. oooocps 2 mil dollars gone just that quick

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